National Gold Market offers a walk in Cash for Gold Location in the Pasadena Play House District where customers can take their gold, silver and platinum to trade in for cash payment. All items are evaluated by our staff to determine the type and purity of metals to determine the correct price. If you’re unable to get to our locations we also provide a great service through FedEx to ship your items from any FedEx Location in the USA. Follow the simple directions on to mail your gold in for the most cash.
LA Cash for Gold™
642 E Colorado Blvd
Pasadena CA 91101
(626) 449-0040
(Click Here for WebSite)
Hours of Operation:
Appointment Only
Monday 11am-5PM
Tuesday 11am-5PM
Wednesday 11am-5PM
Thursday 11am-5PM
Friday 11am-5PM
Saturday Closed
Due to Covid-19 We are open by Appointment Only. Please call in to schedule